Event Tech Jargon
We have put together a comprehensive list of the event tech key words every event planner and marketer should understand.
A/B Testing: A/B testing is the practice of comparing two versions of online content in order to see which version performs better.

Affiliate marketing: Affiliate marketing is a strategy where businesses reward individual affiliates (people or organizations outside the business) for bringing in new customers or visitors through ads or content on the affiliate's website.

Application: Applications are types of software (also called "apps" and often used to refer to mobile device software) designed to provide a function for a user or another app.

API (Application Programming Interface): An API is the interface used for building web applications. APIs provide building blocks for coders to use, and then the coders put those blocks together to create the program they are trying to build.

AI (Artificial Intelligence): The capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior (usually the ability to get better at executing something).

Attendee Relationship Management: Software that allows event planners and managers to create a database of contacts so they can better monitor, manage, and maintain contact relationships.

Augmented Reality (AR): 'Augmented Reality' is a technology that superimposes a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment, often across multiple sensory modalities.

Bounce rate: Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors to a website who leave the website quickly without really looking at it.

Call to Action (CTA): A call to action is the text, banner, form, or image on a web page (or email) asking a visitor to literally take an action.

Central Reservation System (CRS): Database software that contains information about availability, rates, and related services, and through which reservations can be made.

Click through rate (CTR): The click through rate is the percentage of users who click on links in web pages or marketing emails.
Chatbot/voicebot: A computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users.
Data Mining: Data mining is the practice of examining large amounts of data in user databases and websites to find consumer patterns, behaviors, and relationships that can be useful in marketing goods and services online.

Data modeling: Determining what kind of data is needed and how it will be structured and organized

Growth Hacking: Growth hacking is the creative use of technology (websites, marketing emails, apps) and analytics (data mining, A/B testing) in combination with product development to increase a company's growth.

Hybrid app: Hybrid apps are applications that will work on different platforms (computers, mobile devices, tablets) and are a combination of a native app (one that is stored locally on your device) and a web app (one that is accessed through a web browser on the Internet).

Hybrid Event: A conference, tradeshow, seminar, workshop or other meeting that combines a live, in-person audience with a virtual, online audience.

Itinerary: Another word for a schedule, agenda, or program. A detailed event itinerary can be created for attendees or team briefings to outline the flow of the event.

Marketing automation: Marketing automation describes the use of software or online services to automate repetitive marketing tasks like emails, customer relationship management, social media posts, and analytics.

Metric Converter: A tool that allows meeting and event planners to convert non-metric units into metric units, so they can easily determine the size of the room they will require for their event.

Multichannel Marketing: Multichannel marketing uses a variety of communication platforms (website banner ads, Facebook ads, marketing emails, a blog) to interact with potential customers.
NFC (Near Field Communication): NFC is a technology that lets mobile devices communicate using radio waves when they're very close to each other (about four inches or less) and is used for services like sharing files, pairing accessories, or wireless payments.

Open Rate: A measurement commonly used by email marketers that refers to the number of individuals who have 'opened' or 'viewed' an email sent out in a campaign. Open rate tracking is available through most email marketing providers.

Post Event Report: A report detailing the event history after the event has happened, including number of attendees, number of no-shows, total cost per person, profit, etc.

Post Event Feedback: Advice formerly offered to event organizers that includes positive and/or negative comments, suggestions, and notes provided by guests after the event, in order for event planners and organizers to gain an understanding of successes and where improvements can be made.

Session: This is one meeting, presentation, or workshop that can take place in a breakout room during a larger meeting or conference.

Software: Software is a program or set of instructions that tells a computer, phone, or tablet what to do.

Trade Show: Often referred to as an exposition or B2B exhibition, a trade show is an event where a specific industry meets its peers. Goods and services are exhibited and demonstrated.

Transcription: A typed or written document that has recorded a speech or discussion from an event or meeting.

User flow: User flow is the path typical users take when starting on a website and moving toward an action on the site.

User-generated content (UGC): User generated is social media content (posts, photos, videos) created by users about a brand or product and not by companies or organizations themselves.

User Interface (UI): User interface includes all the parts of a website, app, computer, smartphone, etc. that the user can manipulate and interact with.

Web apps: Web apps are websites that look and feel like an app (as opposed to a series of linked pages).
Webinar: Chatbot for your event?
What is a chatbot and why is it important for event organisers?